LTP2 Fornyelse i offentlig sektor ikon


Tillit og fellesskap

Det norske velferdssamfunnet byggjer på høg tillit mellom folk og utbreidd bruk av fellesskapsløysingar. Forsking på feltet omfattar blant anna tillit og demokrati, likestilling, utanforskap, valdsbruk og hatkriminalitet og dessutan forsking på innovasjonsevna i offentleg sektor.


206,0 mill.


13,9 mrd.


Fordelt på


MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Sámicosmologies: Exploring Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Practices of Star-Gazing

Sámicosmologies: Exploring Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Practices of Star-Gazing

Tildelt: kr 2,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2025-2027

Sted: Rogaland

CL2-Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Fostering Linguistic Capital: A Roadmap for Reversing the Diversity Crisis and Activating Societal Benefits in Europe

Fostering Linguistic Capital: A Roadmap for Reversing the Diversity Crisis and Activating Societal Benefits in Europe

Tildelt: kr 2,1 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2025-2028

Sted: Oslo

CL2-Culture, creativity and inclusive society

EU Decarbonisation in Times of Crises: Exploring Social Innovations and Enhancing an Equitable Twin Transition

EU Decarbonisation in Times of Crises: Exploring Social Innovations and Enhancing an Equitable Twin Transition

Tildelt: kr 5,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2025-2028

Sted: Vestland

CL2-Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Driving Sustainable Climate Transition of Video-On-Demand Platforms at a Time of Transformation

Driving Sustainable Climate Transition of Video-On-Demand Platforms at a Time of Transformation

Tildelt: kr 5,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2025-2028

Sted: Oslo

CL2-Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Integrating Diversity in Social Dialogue: Strengthening the EU's Labour Market in the Digital and Green Age

Integrating Diversity in Social Dialogue: Strengthening the EU's Labour Market in the Digital and Green Age

Tildelt: kr 12,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2025-2029

Sted: Oslo